Thursday, November 1, 2007

Secret of the Stole

Ds helps with the photos of Clue 4. finished 11-1-07. Yea Click for large size and detail.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you have a helpful ds like my dh Mr. K! What a great guy!! The stole is beautiful!

Frieda said...

Thank you. He is a great kid.

SYLVIE said...

Your stole looks great! and what a beautiful shade of green!

The Imperfect Knitter said...

What a lovely stole, and what a handsome young man !!

Love the giant jig saw puzzle . I have to block on a spare bed , and then cover it with towels in case W sees it ( he has a horror of 'the damp ' )

Anonymous said...

Wow- that's beautiful. I've just been watching from the sidelines, some day I'll actually knit lace. What a handsome boy you have, I can't believe that someday mine will be that big! Although my 9 year old already wears my shoe size and is up to my shoulder!